

Bologna promotes the advantages of the bicycle in the post-Covid-19 period

Bologna promotes the advantages of the bicycle in the post-Covid-19 period

The Italian Municipality reminds that traveling by bike guarantees the maintaining of physical distance, is good for your health and keeps the air clean

Today the streets of Bologna are literally yellow, due to the #andràtuttinbici (#everyonewillrideabike) campaign that is colouring the metropolitan area. The messages on the yellow posters say that travelling by bike guarantees the maintaining of physical distance, is good for your health, strengthens the immune system and keeps the air clean. It also gives you more time to yourself and allows for the reconstruction of relationships that were interrupted by quarantine.

Raising public awareness of the advantages of "two wheels"

The initiative is promoted by the Bicycle Council of Bologna with the aim of raising public awareness of the benefits of "two wheels" in the post-Covid-19 period. The good practice also extends to the rest of the metropolitan area thanks to the collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Bologna, Unions and Municipalities.

Campaign poster. Image by Bologna Municipality

Around 500 manifests and 200 posters are scattered throughout the metropolitan area. The campaign will also be promoted on the web, on social media and in the paper magazines of the various local administrations.

This action is fully part of the policies of the Urban Plan of Sustainable Mobility in Bologna and represents an evident change in the choices of mobility for the territory, explained from the municipality. Adding that the bicycle is a fundamental ally in this phase of the fight against Coronavirus.

In this period that is difficult for everyone, more time and attention must be devoted to health and air quality. Making pedestrian movement a daily activity is very important, especially in the metropolitan city where 13% of car travel is under 1 km - a distance that is easily covered by bicycle.

If, on the other hand, the workplace is far away, you can switch to using your bike for small distances and pleasure trips, involving the whole family. The organizers of the initiative are very happy that the whole territory of Bologna wanted to join the campaign because sustainable mobility can only be a collective choice.



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