
Maria de Lurdes de Oliveira Castanheira

Mayor of Góis is Maria de Lurdes de Oliveira Castanheira. She was born on 21 March 1964 in Coimbra.

She Graduated in Social Work, in 1988, at the Instituto Superior de Serviço Social and attended graduate school in “Family and Social Systems”, at the Escola de Altos Estudos Miguel Torga, in Coimbra.

She worked at the Centro Regional de Segurança Social de Coimbra, performing the functions of Social Service Technician, in the Municipality of Góis, from 1989 to 1992. That same year, she started work at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Góis and, in 1994, was admitted to the Góis Town Hall, as a Social Worker. Castanheira was promoted, in April 2001, as Senior Social Service Technician, due to the attribution of Exceptional Merit by the Góis Municipal Council.

Castanheira was appointed Assistant to the Mayor at the Municipality of Góis for the period January 1996 - December 2001. She was elected member of the Góis Town Hall in 2002 where she was responsabile for Education, Social Action and Culture.

She worked as an educator teching the “Local Development” subject at the Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, in the academic year 2001/2002. And was an evaluator in the Adult and Training Courses, accredited by the Ministry of Education.

Between May 2005 and October 2009, Castanheira worked as a Senior Social Service Technician, on the Góis Town Hall personnel map.  

Maria de Lurdes Castanheira has performed and still acts in positions in several associations and institutions of the Municipality of Góis, namely ADESA (Associação de Desenvolvimento Regional da Serra do Açor), ADIBER (Associação de Desenvolvimento Integrado da Beira Serra), Centro Paroquial de Solidariedade Social da Freguesia de Alvares, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Góis, among others.

Currently, she is the Mayor of Góis, elected on 11 October 2009; effective member of the General Assembly of the Associação Nacional de Municípios Portugueses (ANMP) and 2nd Secretary of the Bureau of the Coimbra District Assembly. She has been President of ADESA since 20 December 2013.
