
Amateur Sports, Source: Govern de les Illes Balears

Amateur sports get a boost in the Balearic Islands

Amateur sports get a boost in the Balearic Islands

Federations can get money back for costs incurred in the past 11 months

Yesterday, the Balearic Ministry of Social Affairs and Sports published an open call for grant applications directed to amateur sports organizations on the archipelago. The total budget set aside for this measure comes up to 200 000 euros and the application deadline is 2 October.

In the context of restrictive measures, the application process has been simplified

The regional ministry has decided to make the application more flexible in order to give the chance for the maximum number of candidates possible to apply. Any sports federation that has been listed in the official Registry of Sports Entities of the Islands can apply for a subsidy that will reimburse costs incurred in the period from 1 November 2019 till 30 September 2020.

The call for application has also identified the kinds of costs that can be covered. Among them are:

  • Transportation costs related to moving teams as part of the leagues’ programmes,
  • Expenses incurred in the provision of sports clothing and equipment,
  • Remuneration paid out to supporting technical personnel in service of the federations,
  • Money paid for the renting of sports facilities.

In general, these sports subsidies programs are designed with a view to improving the infrastructure and equipment available to people who want to engage in organized sports, as well as the provision of professional physiological and psychological training. An important role played by sports federations is the identification and formation of young sports talents.

Furthermore, this subsidy programme is only one out of eleven such interventions aimed at supporting and fostering the sports environment in the autonomous community. Among the others are subsidies for exceptional sportsmen/sportswomen and for transportation for teams playing on a national level.



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