
Transform for change, Source:

Belfast at the forefront of peacekeeping

Belfast at the forefront of peacekeeping

Transform for Change – a leadership project for Belfast

Leadership is a complex issue and when it comes to cooperation and management of a city or country, it is becoming even more complex. Leadership is a philosophy and a vision. Leadership is effectiveness and discipline to achieve the goals you set forth.


Since the end of 2019, Belfast has been striving to become a leader in peacekeeping innovation.

Under PEACE IV Local Action Plan, an innovative leadership project was approved - “Transform for Change”. The project is part of a bigger agenda for building cross-sector approaches to peacebuilding and reconciliation in an area that is famous for its issues.

The PEACE IV Programme is specifically tailored to the region of Northern Ireland and the border with Ireland. In some aspects, it also includes Western Scotland. It has a budget of close to 300 million euro.

“Transform for Change”

“Transform for Change” will build leadership skills. It is aimed at the public administration as well as regular citizens. The sub-projects may include any activities that will address problems such as prejudice, hate and segregation. Some of these may include but are not restricted to:

  • Leadership skills development;
  • Best practices events;
  • Networking events;
  • Community engagement events;
  • Raising awareness, etc.

During the start-up of the programme in November 2019, different councillors from Belfast expressed their positivity towards the end result. It was said to enable the local communities to work together (Lord Mayor, Councillor John Finucane), to provide good relations and community cohesion across Belfast (Councillor John Kyle), strong leadership as change-maker, etc.

Strong peacebuilding is at the core of any strong society. This is especially true when it comes to regions such as Ireland and Northern Ireland. The success of this project can serve as an example not only to the people of Europe but also to those around the world, living in areas with constant regional conflicts.



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