
Fejø - one of the so-called "Apple islands", Source: Rural Joint Council

Danish Island of the Year 2022: Finalists announced

Danish Island of the Year 2022: Finalists announced

The theme of the competition is “Community as a driving force for local island development”

On 22 February, the Danish Rural Joint Council announced the finalists of the Island of the Year 2022 competition. That is, it revealed that Fejø, Femø, and Strynø are now competing for the title.

In addition to said title, the winner will receive DKK 50,000 (over EUR 6,700), while the other two finalists will receive DKK 25,000 (over EUR 3,360). The monetary prizes will be put towards the further development of the islands.

Emphasising the importance of community

This year, the committee selected the finalists based on the competition’s 2022 theme: “Community as a driving force for local island development”. Commenting on this, the Chairman of the committee Mette Ravn shared:

“It is impressive commitment and community that characterise life on the Danish islands. This is reflected in the applications for Island of the Year, where we have selected three islands: Femø, Fejø and Strynø. Three islands that are distinguished by the fact that their community is the decisive driving force for the development of island communities.”

Members from Forenet Kredit, the Association of Danish Small Islands, and the Rural Joint Council will visit the finalists in March to learn more about their experiences and good practices. 

What sets the finalists apart?

Located in Smålandsfarvandet, North of Lolland, Fejø is part of Lolland Municipality and has 460 permanent residents. Compared to the other finalists, this island has the highest number of inhabitants. Through joint efforts, Fejø’s community maintains its own school, daycare centre, grocery store, church and clinic. What is more, it is strengthening tourism by partnering up with neighbouring islands to launch joint marketing campaigns, gastro-events, and others. 

Femø, the second finalist, is located close to Fejø and is, therefore, also a part of Lolland Municipality. Its population is significantly smaller, with a total of approximately 121 residents. According to the Rural Joint Council, what set Femø apart was its community’s efforts to maintain and create new activities in 2021, amidst the pandemic and its challenges.

The last finalist – Strynø – is located south of Tåsinge between Langeland and Ærø in Langeland Municipality. Its 200 residents make it unique as they come from various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds, making Strynø a diverse island. 

The committee will choose and announce the Island of the Year 2022 in May. 



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