
Daugavpils street sign, Source:

Daugavpils wants to get its residents moving

Daugavpils wants to get its residents moving

A game was designed to stimulate town exploration

The weather is getting progressively colder, which means that the hustle and bustle usual for the summer months has subsided. Couple that with the fact that we need to keep social distance in order to counteract the spread of coronavirus and all starts to look gloomy.

Sedentary lifestyle is not good for one’s health, which is why the Daugavpils Sports Board has decided to encourage citizens from that Latvian town to keep on moving. To that end, it has devised a special game called “Daugavpils sporto”, urging people to create their own individual routes by visiting 16 streets, whose names should contain at least one letter from the 16 in the game’s title.

Another benefit would be making citizens think of their national symbols

We often walk around our cities and neighbourhoods without paying much attention to the street names. Soon, it will be Latvia’s National Day (18 November), and what better way to be reminded of important national heroes, places and events than bringing attention to the place where these are most often commemorated – street name signs.

The game can be played individually or in a household team and it involves visiting 16 different streets whose name contains at least one of the letters from “Daugavpils sporto”. The letter does not even have to be the first one, it just has to be contained within the name. For example: D - Dīķu Street, G - Rīgas Street, etc.

In order to complete the game, the participants have to download a route creating app, such as Endomondo or Caynax Sports, fill in a game card (available here) marking the letters and street names, and take pictures of the street signs.

The only mobility power residents must use is their own legs, as for the rest they are free to choose whether they want to walk, run, Nordic walk or ride a bicycle. When the route is completed the game cards must be e-mailed to, by 18 November at midnight.

Participants will get the chance to take part in a lottery and win a prize, such as skates, roller skates or a scooter. Regardless, everyone will receive a commemorative award from the Daugavpils Sports Board and the Latvian People’s Sports Association.



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