

Edinburgh looks to tourism for post-coronavirus recovery

Edinburgh looks to tourism for post-coronavirus recovery

The City Council brought together experts from the field in order to begin devising a long-term strategy

For many cities, tourism has traditionally been one of their main sources of revenue, as well as one of their main sources of jobs and growth. Yet the imposition of lockdowns and the restrictions on travel, most such ventures have all but dried up and their employees and societies have suffered for it.

That is why local, regional and central authorities all across Europe are looking towards rebooting their tourism sectors as fast as possible. The Scottish capital of Edinburgh, for example, has clearly outlined its intentions to cooperate with all relevant actors in restarting and promoting tourism in the city

Cooperation between the city and experts

The first step towards recovery is the establishment of a proper approach that is able to respond to all the extraordinary challenges the industry finds itself facing – and the best way to do that is by gathering the opinions of all relevant experts in the field.

In an effort to carry on precisely this approach, the City Council of Edinburgh gathered members of the Edinburgh Tourism Action Group (ETAG), Edinburgh Airport, Festivals Edinburgh, Visit Scotland, Essential Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce in what is set to become the first of a series of roundtables aimed at developing their common approach towards the future.

As a result of their first meeting, the participants not only reaffirmed their commitments to carrying out the already adopted Edinburgh 10 year tourism strategy but also began working on new ideas for how the sector can adapt to the post-lockdown world – said work will be reviewed in a few weeks once participants gather for 2nd time to discuss their progress.

Following the first roundtable, Council Leader, Adam McVey, stated that “There is a real willingness from all sides and sectors to use our city’s strengths as a platform for working together over the coming months so that we can recover from this global emergency. It is so important to the future of our Capital that we remain committed to sustainable and responsible tourism when businesses open again and keep our focus on the priorities we agreed last November - to put our people, place and environment at the heart of our plans.”



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