

Enhanced anti-COVID measures to be implemented in 5 Finnish regions

Enhanced anti-COVID measures to be implemented in 5 Finnish regions

The new measures will be in effect between 1 November and 15 December

With the rise of COVID-19 infections across Finland, the country’s government has announced that it will be imposing new restriction on several regions in order to combat the spread of the disease. The new rules and regulations will be in effect for over a month – between 1 November and 15 December.

Targeted action, region by region

Unlike during the first wave of COVID-19, the Finnish government will not be employing a nationwide lockdown strategy. Instead, it will be delegating more and more responsibilities to local and regional governments and will be letting them figure out how best to stop the spread of the disease, depending on their own personal and unique circumstances.

In light of this approach, the new restrictions that will apply come November will affect five regions – namely Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, Kanta-Häme, Pirkanmaa and Ostrobothnia. In detail, what will actually take place is the tightening of already existing rulesets and the establishment of new regulations on public life – with a special focus on catering and nightlife establishments.

Thus, the new measures that will roll out in just a couple of days will severely limit the operations of bars, restaurants and pubs, as they have proven to be among the locations responsible for the most infections over the last few months.

In the 5 regions, catering establishments will have to stop serving alcohol after 10 PM and will have to close shop at 11 PM at the latest. Food-serving establishments that are not classified as bars, restaurants and pubs, however, will be allowed to operate until midnight. Furthermore, the seats in alcohol-serving venues will be limited and their capacities will be reduced in half. Restaurants, pizzerias and cafes will have their seating capped at ¾ of their usual numbers.



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