
The Mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib at a selling point , Source: Zdeněk Hřib's Facebook

FFP2 masks are now sold in 30 metro stations in Prague

FFP2 masks are now sold in 30 metro stations in Prague

The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has begun to sell masks in 40 locations throughout the capital

During the past year, many of us have felt intense panic upon losing or forgetting our masks. It is only when we are in the midst of such panic that we realise just how much we have come to rely on them. Taking this further, our dependency becomes especially apparent when we are far away from home and unable to return without a mask.

In such moments, we begin to wonder where we could purchase a mask and how we can even go into a shop to do so when we do not have one. Prague has seen and acknowledged how alarming and anxiety-inducing this situation can be. For this reason, the Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has begun to sell FFP2 masks for 0.38 euro a piece in various places throughout the city.

Where are the selling points?

On its website, the DPP announced that the masks can be purchased from the lobbies of 30 metro stations and 9 traffic information centres. In addition to this, they can also be bought from DPP’s central dispatch centre and online ‘Fanshop’.

The following list of selling points was presented by DPP on their official Facebook page:

  • Metro Line A: Nemocnice Motol, Bořislavka, Dejvická, Můstek, Náměstí Míru, Strašnická, Želivského, Skalka, Depo Hostivař
  • Metro Line B: Zličín, Luka, Hůrka, Smíchovské nádraží, Anděl, Karlovo náměstí, Můstek, Florenc, Palmovka, Vysočanská, Rajská zahrada, Černý Most
  • Metro Line C: Letňany, Ládví, Kobylisy, Nádraží Holešovice, I. P. Pavlova, Vyšehrad, Kačerov, Roztyly, Háje
  • Transport information centres: Anděl, Hradčanská, Můstek, Nádraží Veleslavín, 2 locations in Hlavním nádraží, Terminals 1 and 2 at the Václav Havel Airport Prague and Prague City Hall
  • Central dispatch centre located in Na Bojišti street

The Mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib praised DPP’s initiative on his Facebook page, writing that the sale of masks will make life so much easier. Moreover, he noted that many things can go wrong as one can accidentally lose, contaminate or rip their mask. Alternatively, one can simply forget it.

By supplying this item that is now seen as a daily necessity, DPP eliminates the fear, panic and anxiety that is otherwise often felt by passengers.

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