
Convent Nazareth street Angers, Source: Thierry Bonnet / City of Angers

Graffiti artists transform dilapidated convent in Angers

Graffiti artists transform dilapidated convent in Angers

Waiting for a real estate project to determine the fate of the Nazareth street convent

A new display of the mastery of street art has opened doors to visitors in Angers, France. What was once a dilapidated religious convent facing the risk of demolition has been transformed into an entire collection of modern art. The former convent in the district of Nazareth will be welcoming visitors to an ephemeral artistic journey until November 15.

art convent AngersA glimpse of what the art exhibition at the convent will look like. Photo: Thierry Bonnet, City of Angers

The location is everything that a street artist might dream of - an abandoned site of five hectares, in the heart of the French city of Angers, hidden from view by a stone wall. This quite unusual setting is the former convent of nuns in the street of Nazareth that has been opened to visitors for the special exhibition.

Modern art coming to the rescue

While facing growing perspective of being demolished in the wait of a real estate project, the religious residence was taken over by street artists. Accordingly, their artworks will be visible until November 15 as part of an artistic journey that mixes art, graffiti, painting, photography, installations.

Designed by the The Art Project Partner association, the exhibition, titled "Art at the Convent" is full of surprises. It takes visitors to an extraordinary experience where they will see both buildings and gardens of the convent completely revamped.

See more about the project from the video below:

Video by Art Project Partner, author of the convent transformation project

Vising the site is possible until November 15th from Friday to Sunday, from 11 am to 10 pm. The address is 96 Nazareth Street.



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