
Solvit, Source: Solvit - Effective Problem Solving in Europe

Having troubles with administration? SOLVIT helps protect your rights in the EU

Having troubles with administration? SOLVIT helps protect your rights in the EU

Make the most out of freedom of movement by protecting your citizen’s rights with the free unified service

The European Union is loved for its freedoms, among which is the freedom to move across EU borders, work and study, which are guaranteed to its citizens. However, to move around the EU, especially for longer periods, to start a job or even to use healthcare services out one’s country of residence can become a serious challenge, especially when one has to face red tape and the complexity of a bureaucracy different than what they are used to. Luckily, in 2002 the European Union has come up with a solution, which helps react to administrative injustices. It is called SOLVIT and can help you within EU28 and Norway, Island and Lichtenstein.

How it works? SOLVIT is a free service, provided by each national administration, which mostly works online. Once you open a case, it aims to find a solution within 10 weeks after the respective administration where the issue occurred is notified. You are advised to use it once your rights as a citizen of the European Union are breached in another country by their public authorities and you have not yet undertaken legal action. You shall note, however, that reaching out to SOLVIT does not exempt you from respecting the formal deadlines, applicable under the national law.

Some ideas on what the service can help you with include recognition of professional qualifications, visa and residence permits, social, unemployment or retirement benefits, licenses, access to education, etc. You may not use SOLVIT to resolve commercial or private disputes.

To start using SOLVIT, follow this link.



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