
Örebro Tidying Campaign, Source: Örebro Municipality

Help Örebro get cleaner

Help Örebro get cleaner

The Swedish city joins the Keep Sweden Clean Day on 19 September with advice for residents

Örebro authorities have decided to remind local residents about the upcoming Keep Sweden Tidy Day on 19 September (Saturday) and give them some advice through their website on how they can join in and help in the beneficial campaign to keep the urban environment litter-free and more enjoyable for living. The message that is being promoted is to not only be mindful of the pollution on the ground but also of the one in the air, which is why volunteers are encouraged to come on their bikes.

The event finds its roots in the Keep Nature Tidy campaign, first organized in 1963

Organizers want to make sure that the good results of the campaign are not offset by using carbon-fuel vehicles, which is why the face of the campaign in Örebro will be Johan, a local young man and his “recycling bike”. However, those residents who cannot or do not want to cycle while picking the rubbish should not worry since it is perfectly fine to also perform this activity on foot.

Volunteers can register for participation at the campaign organizers’ website. If you are wondering why one needs to register to pick up trash from the streets, the answer is that by registering you would also be able to log in how much rubbish you have been able to collect and compare overall results. This will be useful for keeping local and national statistics.

Here are some guidelines for cleanliness enthusiasts to follow:

  • Find a messy place – It is up to you to choose an area to clean up, but the Municipality reminds that usually the most polluted places are near cycling paths, shopping malls and industrial areas,
  • Go there by bike (if possible) – You can consult an online map at the municipal website which will show you the main cycling paths and the locations of bicycle pumps,
  • Sort the rubbish – For that, you can consult this website in order to find the nearest recycling station
  • Use several bags – This will simplify your work since having separate bags can allow you to sort the rubbish at the place of picking. Also, use gloves!

The organizers also encourage participants to inspire others by sharing their activity on Facebook and Instagram with #haldörebrorent.



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