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Helsinki asks young people to help trace COVID infections

Helsinki asks young people to help trace COVID infections

Tracing will help save lives and ensure that the number of cases does not increase any further

Young people have struggled tremendously over the past year and a half as they were forced to stay away from friends, attend classes online, and remain at home. With the arrival of higher temperatures and the steady decrease in COVID infections, Finland lifted many of its restrictions. Unsurprisingly, this brought joy to all students and young adults who were once again able to socialise and gather with friends.

A rise in COVID cases

On 20 July, the Finnish capital reported that the number of infections has unfortunately risen once more as the city has recorded approximately 80 new cases per day. Taking a closer look at these cases, the City of Helsinki found that over half of these infections originate from venues such as restaurants and bars.  

What is more, the capital is also facing delays with its tracing technology. In other words, it cannot reach infected people and hinder the spread of the virus. For this reason, the City of Helsinki now asks all young people to cooperate and work with the municipality to facilitate tracing.

How does tracing work?

In a press release, the city explained that it wants to contact infected people within 1-2 days, asking them to fill in a form and provide information regarding where they have been and who they have met. The capital will then use this information to reach individuals who have been exposed to the virus and ask them to quarantine. In this way, the City of Helsinki seeks to prevent the spread of COVID and ensure that the number of infections does not increase any further.

Medical Director of Health Stations Timo Lukkarinen commented on the need for cooperation, noting: “We want to reach the exposed as quickly as possible even if the tracing is congested. This is why from now on we ask young people to let family and friends know about possible exposure. This can make tracing faster by several days. […] Young people can reach those who have been exposed quickly and easily through their own channels. This is why it makes sense for us to cooperate.”

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