
Christmas in Kaunas, Source: Visit Kaunas

Kaunas turns into a mysterious planet for Christmas

Kaunas turns into a mysterious planet for Christmas

The Lithuanian city’s Christmas tree and village are paying homage to ecology this year


On the last day of November the Old town square in Kaunas, Lithuania, will undergo a magic transformation, turning into a mysterious planet, complete with cosmic creatures and installations of a fantasy world.

Never resting on its laurels, the City Council is organizing this year’s Christmas celebrations around the theme of “Cosmic Christmas in Kaunas”. Accordingly, the Christmas village will receive a new, futuristic outlook, to the delight of sci-fi and fantasy aficionados, young and old.

As for the Christmas tree, organizers are inviting residents to ditch the stance of passive onlookers and create the Christmas spirit by bringing their own decoration and hanging it inside the tree.

No plastic straws and cups

The Kaunas Christmas tree and Cosmic village will be truly special this year in another aspect – environmental consciousness. All 3 million plastic straws, used in last years’ Christmas tree, have been recycled and used as multi-coloured decorations of the Cosmic village. The village merchants are joining in the ecological effort – they will provide hot beverages in paper cups, rather than plastic ones.

Exactly at 18 pm on November 30, Santa will make a spectacular arrival at the Old town square just in time for the lighting up of the Christmas tree. The eye-catching scene will precede a concert of the stars (no, not some celestial objects but famous names of Lithuanian music like Justinas Jarutis, Vaidas Baumila and Monique and globetrotting sensations “Antikvariniai Kašpirovskio dantys”, among others).

Events galore at Cosmic Christmas village

Kaunas Christmas village will be open from November 30 and will last until the Three Kings celebration on January 6. The programme is filled with a variety of sporting, educational and cultural events, including adventures, classes, workshops, books, theatre and music.

Do you hate sending Christmas e-cards that don’t get through or end up in the Recycle bin? The Christmas village then promises a revival of the good old-fashioned mail which bonds people like nothing else. Parents are invited to send a postcard from Christmas planet to their relatives all over Lithuania while their children will be able to send a letter to Santa or call the old man directly.  

Don’t miss out on the holiday concerts, notably “Christmas for everyone!” on December 26, 17:00, at Kaunas St. Michael the Archangel’s Church (the Garrison Church), featuring the Kaunas wind instrument orchestra “Ąžuolynas”.

On New Years’ eve, the Old town square will once again erupt in fireworks and jubilation. Residents and visitors of Kaunas will meet the 2020 with the most famous dance music DJs in Lithuania.



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