
More interactive maps, graphs and charts await visitors to the Linköping municipal website, Source: Linköping Municipality

Linköping jazzes up its stats presentation

Linköping jazzes up its stats presentation

Interactivity helps to visualize and internalize data better

The authorities in the Swedish city of Linköping have decided to choose a more interactive presentation format for their statistical data concerning the territory of the municipality. The idea is that this will improve understanding and will draw in more attention to the data presented on part of the viewers.

The fact sheets use modern web technology to visualize statistics in the form of various animations that the user can largely control himself. The fact sheets also contain comments and analysis.

Reading data becomes a process of discovery

By switching to visual data, we can also offer some interactivity with the user. The diagrams, tables and maps are in their basic design relatively simple, but through simple choices, the user can twist and turn the numbers and also use time animation to get an idea of ​​how the situation in the current subject area has changed and developed over time,” explained Jimmy Lindahl, head of statistics at Linköping Municipality.

The statistics department produces fact sheets to describe both the municipality's and the nearby region's development. The data plays a central role in the fact sheets and the presentation takes place in the form of diagrams, tables or maps. 

To varying degrees, some fact sheets also contain descriptive and explanatory text. They can be viewed from either a geographical or a thematic perspective.

Mr Lindahl then gave some examples on the kind of conclusions one can surmise from studying the maps and charts: “It is possible to see, among other things, that the median earned income is highest for those who live in the smaller urban areas, but also highest for those who have their workplace in the city, at the same time as it is lowest for the residents in the city.”

His examples also pointed out the way data can tell us multiple levels of information, which should be carefully considered. For example, during the pandemic year 2020, stats show that the most common age for those who died in urban areas was 85-94 years, whereas the most common age for those who died in rural areas was 75-84 years. Yet despite this, life expectancy is still longer in rural areas.

All statistical information is freely available at the Linköping municipal website in Swedish.



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