
Neptuniskolan, Source: Municipality of Malmö

Scandinavian design goes into building Malmö’s newest school

Scandinavian design goes into building Malmö’s newest school

Neptuniskolan is located on what used to be an old shipyard

The Swedish city of Malmö’s website was glad to announce the official opening of the newest high school in the municipality – Neptuniskolan (translated as The Neptune School). What is marvellous about the new facility is the implementation of forward-thinking architectural and design solutions in its construction. The school is planned for 600 students and its location is on what once used to be shipyards.

Internal mobility has been deemed important and the school design encourages it

Neptuniskolan was built in an industrial area with the city canal, World Trade Center and old shipyards in its vicinity. The architects were thus challenged with a dearth of available space in what is a rapidly expanding city. The solution was to think vertically.

That is why, the school is five stories high, yet it counts with not just one schoolyard, but three of them! The first one is located on the ground level and the other two are placed on two of the building’s flat roofs.

Neptuniskolan is an urban school where every single square meter has been used. The roof yards are fantastic surfaces for the students to hang out on and they also get an incredible view of Malmö. On the roof of the sports hall, there is a parkour track and trampolines. They are of course completely safe to use, I have tried them myself,” said Pär Jonsson, the school’s principal.

The principal emphasized that the theme of movement was embedded into the school layout, in other words, convenience and idleness are not necessarily sought after. He is of the opinion that movement benefits the ability to learn.

For example, the students’ lockers are placed on a floor different from the main classrooms, and the same goes for teachers who will have their office room on a level different from the classrooms where they teach. That way, everyone will have to move.



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