

Sicily recognizes its first 11 eco-museums

Sicily recognizes its first 11 eco-museums

Thus the Italian island will strengthen the network of tourist attractions, involving local territories and communities

Sicily has established its first eleven eco-museums, announced “The newspaper of the municipalities” (Il Giornale dei Comuni).“ Nello Musumeci, the president of the region and councillor for cultural heritage, signed the decree which recognizes 11 new museum structures throughout the Italian island.

It is a museum form, aimed at preserving, communicating and renewing the cultural identity of a small territory. It is an act with which the community undertakes to take care of an area through a shared project of protection, enhancement, maintenance and creation of culture in a homogeneous environment.

The Eco-museums that have obtained approval in Sicily are: "Mare memoria viva" in Palermo and "Madonie" in Castellana Sicula, in the Palermo area; "Grotta del Drago" in Scordia, "Cielo e Terra" in Acireale, "Riviera dei Ciclopi" in Acicastello, "Valle del Loddiero" in Militello Val di Catania, in the province of Catania; " I luoghi del lavoro contadino” in Buscemi-Palazzolo Acreide and "Iblei" in Canicattini Bagni, in the Syracuse area; " Cinque Sensi" in Sciacca and " I sentieri della memoria" in Campobello di Licata, in the province of Agrigento; "Rocca di Cerere Geopark" in Enna.

Almost a year ago, Musumeci appointed a special technical-scientific committee, made up of experts and officials, which had to evaluate the applications in compliance with regulatory provisions. During the process, 6 other museums did not obtain the title.

Enrich the cultural offer of Sicily

With its first eco-museums that will enrich the cultural offer, Sicily will strengthen the network of tourist attractions, involving the territories and local communities. This represents an innovative and important step in the management of the island's cultural heritage.

The governor has also declared that he will quickly approve another provision with which he will ensure the allocation of the first batch of financial resources for the 11 eco-museums as well as the creation of accompanying measures for the other 6 museums in the area that have not reached the minimum requirements established by the law.



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