

Slovenian shops and border posts creep back towards normalcy

Slovenian shops and border posts creep back towards normalcy

Some shops are now allowed to open if they obey strict hygiene requirements and border posts with Austria have started allowing some traffic

When governments first began imposing strict measures on social life and business operations, the only exceptions to the rules of closure and isolation were pharmacies and shops that sell foodstuffs. But with many countries stabilizing the rise of coronavirus cases and with citizens getting used to social distancing measures, authorities are slowly easing some parts of their bans, thus allowing life to regain some degree of normalcy and economic activity to resume.

More and more shops reopening

Last week, Slovakia allowed many businesses to reopen as long as they comply with strict hygiene requirements. Now, Slovenia has followed suit and has given the green light for activities to resume to a number of enterprises under the condition of operating in isolated and sanitary conditions.

Businesses that are allowed to operate now include construction companies that work on uninhabited premises and houses as long as they guarantee no contact with customers and florists and gardeners whose crops will not survive long periods of time and thus need quick sales to recoup some of their losses so long as their shops obey all the rules imposed by the government in terms of social distancing and hygiene.

Action on the border

Borders that were initially closed are also beginning to reopen in some shape or form. For example, the Holmec border crossing connecting Slovenia with Austria is reopening, following pressure from mayors of municipalities in the region of Carinthia.

Border traffic is allowed in specific hours of the day, however – between 5 AM and 8 AM in the mornings and between 3 PM and 6 PM in the afternoon, thus allowing workers whose businesses lie across the border to quickly go to work without the need to look for alternative solutions.



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