

Suceava in Romania under lockdown

Suceava in Romania under lockdown

The northeastern city is the biggest Covid-19 hotspot in the country

Marcel Vela, Romanian Minister for Internal Affairs announced on the evening of Monday, 30 March, that Suceava is placed under lockdown. The northeastern city with over 100,000 residents is the biggest COVID-19 hotspot in Romania with 593 COVID-19 infection cases reported in the locality (by 30 March).

By the beginning of this week, Romania entered the fourth stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 2,109 COVID-19 cases. A third of the total of coronavirus-related deaths in the county occurred in Suceava.

Alongside Suceava, 8 communes in the surrounding area are also under lockdown. They are Salcea , Adancata, Bosanci, Ipotesti, Scheia, Moara, Patrauti, and Mitocu Dragomirnei.

During the period of the lockdown all flights, train connections and public transport routes to Suceava are suspended. Movement within the city is also banned.

Only the transport of goods and people undertaking economic, defense and public administration activities is allowed. The Police and the Army are responsible for ensuring the rules are obeyed in the quarantined zone.

Medical errors and faulty local management

According to the Romanian Health minister Nelu Tataru, Suceava has been impacted by community transmission of the coronavirus, due to medical errors and faulty local management. At the same time, epidemiological investigations were not carried out properly because of a lack of staff.

Tataru, who personally visited Suceava to survey the situation, explained also that he found the Suceava Public Health Department without staff. Therefore, the authorities decided to bring doctors from university clinics in Iasi to restart the epidemiological investigations.

Another decision that was made was to reassemble the teams of the emergency care units and to test all deceased people, even if they had no previously established connection. This is the reason why there are so many COVID-19 positives in Suceava.

Local authorities are unable to say how long the lockdown of the city will last as of this moment. To find out what will happen in Suceava and what good practices will be implemented, follow our news coming from Romania.



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