

Toledo residents can lend a hand in the restoration of the city's heritage

Toledo residents can lend a hand in the restoration of the city's heritage

This is possible as part of an employment program providing training

The Employment Department of the Toledo administration announced that it will be accepting applications for a combined training-working program starting from today until 16 September. A total of 24 students will get the chance to learn skills that will allow them to participate in the restoration of the local architectural heritage.

Learning combined with practical work

The training workshops offered by the Municipality of Toledo are designed with the idea of providing new qualification to people over the age of 25 who are currently unemployed. The successful applicants will receive training in masonry and renovation so that they will be able to help out in small remodelling and conditioning works in the historic centre of the city, and more specifically in the Jewish quarter.

"With these three programs co-financed by the Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment we seek to alternate training in the trade with professional practice in masonry," stated the Councilor for Employment Francisco Rueda adding that with these requalification programs "we try to instil learning by working and working by learning”.

The three workshops he alluded to will each contain 8 students and will count with complementary programs for employment orientation, occupational hazards and cross-cutting courses which will also touch upon subjects, such as the environment and gender equality.

The Employment Councillor also indicated that the investment provided for the workshops amounts to 278 711 euros and that their duration will last six months, starting in November 2020 and finishing in May 2021.

Mr Rueda stressed that due to the unusual circumstance this year in the wake of the epidemiological crisis, it has been decided to make the application process simpler. Applicants will be able to apply from home by accessing the digital services website of the local administration and filling the online form. This time it will not be necessary to provide a digital signature.



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