

Torrent extends organic waste collection during the summer

Torrent extends organic waste collection during the summer

Debris generated from gardening activities is known as pruning residues

The Torrent City Council informed today that it has extended the working hours of a special service dedicated to collecting pruning waste in order to meet the increased demand from residents during the summer season. The collector crane truck operates every morning from Monday till Saturday, including.

There are certain conditions under which the plant matter will be collected

This kind of service was started in Torrent, a municipality located in the metropolitan area of the city of Valencia, last year after it was noted that there is an increasing need for it. To that end, authorities have provided one collector truck and one crane truck that traverse different neighbourhoods on different days of the week.

In order to organize a standardized and effective collection of pruning residues, the administration had to come up with specific conditions which were detailed in a municipal ordinance. The city authorities want to remind residents who want to use the service that:

  • Pruned branches should be no longer than 1 metre in length, arranged in bundles of less than 50 cm diameter and placed next to containers. Only two such bundles are permitted per household per day.
  • Mowing residue such as grass, leaves and shrubs must be packed into manure bags and placed next to the containers. Two 50-litre bags are the limit per day for each household.
  • Any gardening waste material exceeding the above limits and weighing up to 100 kilograms can be taken to the eco-parks located on Sant Joan Baptista Street and the Toll I l’Alberca industrial area.

The extended collection service for pruning residues is meant to decrease the accumulation of trash on the residential street pavements but also to introduce a recycling chain which can see the conversion of the plant material into compost. However, ignoring municipal regulations about the conditions can lead to a 900-euro fine.



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