
Conference, Source: Pixabay

Two days left to register for the 28th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Two days left to register for the 28th Breakfast at Sustainability's

A workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning will be taking place in Brussels

The European Union’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Guidelines will be discussed during an event in Brussels on December the 12th between 9:15 and 13:00. The event is organized as part of the CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project and the ICLEI's Breakfast at Sustainability's series.

The breakfast will give the opportunity to local, national and European officials working on SUMPs to contribute and improve the new SUMP Guidelines and thereby to steer EU mobility policy into the right direction.

A welcome speech will be given by Marta Marín, Head of Delegation of the Basque Country to the EU and the Project Coordinator Ana Drăguțescu. The event will be opened by a presentation from the European Commission underlining the importance of SUMP 2.0, followed by the presentation of the different SUMP profiles and experience of three cities from Portugal (Maia), Romania (Oradea) and Finland (Tampere). During the discussion possible improvements to the SUMP will be analyzed.

An interactive stakeholder workshop will allow for concrete sections of the Guidelines to be put to the analysis and for suggestions of good practices and methods to be put forward.

The CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project receives funding by the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme and is aimed  at assisting planning authorities to overcome the barriers hampering SUMP development and implementation.

Reserve your place by 7th of December 2018.

Discover the full agenda and related information from this link.



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