
Tyrol transforms towards a climate-neutral society

Tyrol sets a new sustainable strategy for its municipalities

Tyrol sets a new sustainable strategy for its municipalities

“Living with a Future” will work towards a climate-neutral society

On 25 May 2021, the Tyrol state government decided on a new sustainability and climate strategy called “Living with a Future”. This focuses on the time horizon of 2030 and serves as a guide for transformation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral economy and society.

With the resolution of the sustainability and climate strategy, the Tyrolean authorities have set a framework for future work programmes. From now on, they want to approach the set goals in three-year steps with specific work programs, as explained by Deputy Governor and Environment Minister Ingrid Felipe (Greens) on Tuesday at a press conference.

Creating sustainable and climate-friendly regions

The state will help introduce a flexible "learning system" to ensure that future reforms will be in line with the sustainable goals of the regions. "Energy autonomy 2050, climate neutrality 2040 and the Paris goals are important milestones," commented Felipe. From this, topics such as health, biodiversity, climate protection or digitisation would then be derived, which are reflected in the almost 80-page strategy paper.

The advancement of a "climate and energy transition" with the help of the new strategy and future tangible measures was also hoped for by Neo-Economic Councillor Anton Mattle (ÖVP). He also tried to accommodate climate and economy with Tyrolean companies.

The state has set to achieve sustainable goals by 2030. One focus of the strategy is mobility and more specifically, increasing the proportion of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users. Felipe also named “sharing mobility”, for example, car-sharing, as one of the desired goals.

The next step is to develop a programme of measures that will work towards achieving the defined goals. Eight projects formulated in advance, including the “Klimafitter Bergwald” initiative and the “Clean Alpine Regions” tourism project, are intended to indicate the direction of these sustainable measures. 



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