
Sergio Giordani

Mayor of Padua is Sergio Giordani, elected on 28th June 2017. He was born on 10th May 1953 in Padua, in the working class-area of Chiesanuova. He is married to Lucia and has two children and four grandchildren. He started working in the family business while studying at University to become, soon after, Managing Director. Then he founded, with two business partners, a national network of sportwear shops, fulfilling the role of Managing Director until he was elected Mayor.

The love for his town led him to be President of Calcio Padova from 1994 to 1996, during the years of Premier League (Serie A) and to perform various roles in society and in public bodies in town, such as the last corporate office of President of Interporto, from which he resigned as soon as he announced his candidacy for Mayor.

Among his several commitments, he is now developing, together with his council members, a series of projects to lead Padua to be digitally competitive.
