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It will help investors explore the zone’s potential despite the corona travel restrictions
The management company of Klaipėda Free Economic Zone (FEZ) has created a three-dimensional model of the area to allow new and potential investors to get acquainted in detail with the FEZ territory, infrastructure and resident companies without even setting foot there.
The 3D model, available on the Klaipėda FEZ website, allows users to "travel" freely around the area, analyze the location of buildings and plots, measure distances, explore underground communications and find companies that fall in the scope of their interest. Thus, the investors and the FEZ management company itself will be able to more easily plan and evaluate future development projects – by loading the new objects into the model and assessing their outlook, coherence, and impact on the neighbourhood. A high-resolution touch screen installed in the FEZ management company's meeting room will help staff to discuss the necessary work in the area.
The representative 3D model of Klaipėda FEZ has been implemented in accordance with the project “Preparation of Klaipėda FEZ Infrastructure for Attracting Foreign R&D Companies” co-financed with EU funds. The tender has been won by the IT company UAB IN RE which created the model by combining thousands of photos taken by drones from different angles with miscellaneous other information like drawings of communications, engineering networks, plot boundaries, etc.
Eimantas Kiudulas, the head of Klaipėda FEZ, hopes that the 3D model will strengthen the image of the Lithuanian port city as one focused on innovations and technologies and will help attract new investments in both traditional and hi-tech industries.
“The three-dimensional model is a small but important step in realizing our long-term vision: to become a smart industry and technology park based on research, innovation, smart technologies and the highest added value. In the future, we will continue to expand the infrastructural, social and other measures that would make Klaipėda the most attractive place not only for production, but also for the creation of products, processes and technologies,” says E. Kiudulas, quoted by the city website.
The 3D model will be an important tool in conferring and negotiating with new investors amid the coronavirus pandemic, at least until flight and quarantine restrictions are completely lifted. A recent report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) indicates that lower foreign direct investment (FDI) flows are projected worldwide this and next year, with a recovery expected only in 2022. But Mantas Katinas, CEO of Invest Lithuania, comments that the country currently has about 10 investment projects in the last decision-making phase, and the agency has organized more than 10 virtual visits for investors in recent months, which have received very positive feedback.
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