
Drink driving, Source:

Drugged and drunk driving simulator warns off adolescents in Poland

Drugged and drunk driving simulator warns off adolescents in Poland

The Polish town of Lubin trains youngsters with alcohol and drug goggles

Drugged and drunk driving is a serious issue in developed societies, which is positively related with increased road accidents with potential deadly consequences, regardless of the age of the driver and their experience. Youngsters, however, have higher tendency to abuse with substances and disregard the increased risks behind the wheel, which naturally decreases their control of the vehicle and leads to more frequent accidents. Warnings, road signs or fines have shown little or no effect in diminishing the scale of the problem.

Consequentially, the Polish town of Lubin has come up with a new solution on young people’s training and preparation for similar situations. The Municipal Social Welfare Centre has organized a series of meetings entitled “Sobriety on the road” for high school students, with the objective to train the confidence of young drivers, to show them how the body behaves and literarily how the world looks when driving a car under the influence of intoxicants.

In the Cuprum Arena gallery in Lubin participants were allowed to try on the alcohol and drug impairments goggles. The youth of Lublin found themselves wearing these specific glasses and discovered how the person's reactions world change after taking intoxicants. Youngsters enjoyed using the roofing simulator, thereby learning an important lesson and preparing as well as the circumstances allow for a future situation of a road accident.

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