
Palace of the Patriarchate in Burcharest

Feast of Saint Andrew in Romania

Feast of Saint Andrew in Romania

He is considered the patron saint of the country

Saint Andrew's Day is a public holiday in Romania. It is celebrated on 30 November every year. Saint Andrew was the first of the apostles who preached Christianity in the southern part of Romania, which is why he is considered to be the patron saint of the country.

Nowadays, the feast of Saint Andrew is celebrated as any other religious holiday in the country, however, some old pre-Christian superstitions and traditions have also survived.

Many years ago, on this day the Dacians of the region celebrated another divinity – Santandrei, the master of the wolves. The date also marked the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the season when wolves join in packs and prepare for the harsh and cold season. The date was then known as the Day of the Wolves.

The feast is known for bringing together numerous beliefs, customs, and magical rituals. On the eve of the holiday, it is said that Saint Andrew descends onto Earth to give each wolf the prey that he will need for the winter season.

Saint Andrew's Day is not just about wolves, however. It is also believed that the spirits of the dead can return on this night. Some Romanians believe that they are going to suffer torments from spirits and vampires, and they take measures to protect themselves by rubbing the windows and doors with cloves of garlic and preparing garlic dishes.



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