
Alderman Reinier van Dantzig is planting the last plants and with that the islands are completely ready., Source: City of Amsterdam

Floating nature islands in Amsterdam connect fragmented wildlife

Floating nature islands in Amsterdam connect fragmented wildlife

The five islands have a combined area of more than 700 square metres

Yesterday, local authorities in Amsterdam announced the addition of five new nature islands around Zeeburgereiland - a former industrial zone currently being redeveloped. The floating islands will carry a variety of plant species and are expected to attract local wildlife as part of the Dutch National Ecological Network.

The islands will also help to preserve animals and plants as well as connect green spaces and wildlife in the area. This is doubly important, considering city plans to urbanise Zeeburgereiland with an additional 10,000 homes. The islands will enhance the green character of the area and connect local habitats.

Floating oasis

The five floating islands consist of two smaller ones with an area of 100 square metres and three larger ones with an area of 180 square metres. They were towed by a boat to the right location, otherwise, the whole project was completed by volunteers from the municipality, private companies, residents, and students.

Furthermore, the 5 nature islands now have 40 native plant species and will serve as a connection between green areas. According to an official statement, they should help foster animals like grass snakes, otters, water shrews, bats and waterfowl.

In the coming years, students from the University of Amsterdam will assess the effectiveness of the project as well as its impact on local fauna by investigating which species end up using the floating islands.

The sustainable installation was inaugurated by Amsterdam’s Deputy Mayor Reinier van Dantzig, who put the very last touches on the islands and planted the last plant. He also praised the floating islands as a unique innovation for the Netherlands, connecting animal communities.



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