
graz, Source: Stadt Graz/Wehap

Graz offers mobility training for city’s seniors

Graz offers mobility training for city’s seniors

The bike and e-bike courses offered by the municipality are crucial for the health of seniors and will keep them active and involved in the city’s bike-friendly transformation

In an effort of keeping local seniors fit, healthy and safe on the city’s roads, Austria’s Graz has launched a new service – mobility training courses for citizens over 65. The Mobility Training 65+ programme offers free courses throughout the autumn and teaches the local elderly population how to use e-bikes and how to ride normal, conventional bicycles.

Bringing seniors into the age of cycling

Cycling and electric bikes are becoming more and more popular across Austria. With that in mind, local authorities in Graz want to take the city’s seniors along for the ride and teach them (or remind them) how to ride a bike or use the city’s new e-bikes. By doing so, officials hope that they can help seniors remain active and healthy – something that is especially important for those over the age of 65.

Those interested in taking part in the initiative can book two courses – two half-days long and limited to 25 persons (both in order for them to be more effective and to obey social distancing guidelines), completely free of charge.

According to City Councilor Elke Kahr "Here we want to provide support and enable entry under professional guidance.". Not only that, but the courses also act as a refresher for those who might not remember of traffic rules and regulations. Only after these refresher courses will the professional instructors proceed with the practicalities and techniques of bikes and e-bikes.

This year’s initiative builds on last year’s experience when local authorities from Graz’s transport department first unveiled the new courses and they became an instant hit with local seniors.



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