
hagen, Source: Klaus Ehlers / CC BY-SA 3.0

How Hagen prepares for its post-corona local elections

How Hagen prepares for its post-corona local elections

The city administration is making extra preparations for its September vote

With the threat of the coronavirus subsiding, countries and regions are looking forward to re-establishing the basic functioning of their societies – namely the carrying out of free and democratic elections. Yet that might prove more difficult than previous years, given the fact that extra precautions must be taken in order to ensure the safety of voters.

In the German city of Hagen, where local elections will be held in September 2020, as is the case for all cities across the region of North-Rhine Westphalia, local authorities have already begun their preparations for this event, taking into account the unprecedented circumstances.

Prioritizing the safety of voters

One of the main problems for these elections would be ensuring social distancing measures and hygienic requirements. And those are precisely the areas on which Hagen’s local authorities will focus.

Despite the elections scheduled to be held on 13 September – e.g. in quite a few months’ time, the city is already facing some major difficulties in preparing for the event. That is why it will be redesigning its whole electoral approach to fit the new and changed circumstances.

The main point is that the government will work hard until the final date of the election to secure not only suitable premises but also suitable protection for those taking part. Disinfection will be available at polling stations, while the staff will make sure that voters take heed of social distancing measures, while simultaneously doing the same for themselves.

Finally, the local government is expecting the final word on additional measures from the regional government of North-Rhine Westphalia but stands ready to respond to any and all changes – including the possible postponement of the elections, which remains a tangible possibility according to officials, should the pandemic return or should condition deteriorate.



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