This is how Amsterdam helps drivers adapt to new 30 km/h limits
The traffic authorities tap into some psychology hacks to train road users for the new reality
Senti l'atmosfera magica che ti regalerà ricordi indimenticabili
Cosa c'è di più romantico di una cena a lume di candela al mare? Una cena a lume di candela in un ristorante grotta scavata nel mare italiano. Il ristorante dell'hotel Grotta Palazzese è situato in una grotta nella città di Polignano a Mare, nel sud Italia. Non stai solo cenando in una grotta - puoi anche immergerti nel panorama del mare Adriatico e delle scogliere verticali tipiche del mare.
Il luogo era stato abitato fin dal Neolitico e fu una colonia greca. Il ristorante é stato utilizzato dal 1700 quando la nobiltà locale si riunì lì per fare praticamente lo stesso che ci piacerebbe fare lì oggi.
Fonte: Grotta Palazzese
Steffen Romstöck said that he would respect the residents’ choice and would take over the helm of the municipality, even if he didn’t run
The measure, which will come into force from 1 January 2025, will be partial and temporary…for now
Following a period of debate on whether the tactic favoured by environmental activists represents damage to private property
Literally embracing an ‘old-school’ approach to education
The municipality provides the tool to encourage more sustainable thinking and planning in the field of urban design
The energy-saving devices are part of a wider programme on the part of the Spanish municipality to show support for local SMEs
Travelling anywhere in the regional public transit networks will cost either 2 or 2.5 euros
Faulty device owners can get back up to 200 euros in reimbursement
Following a period of debate on whether the tactic favoured by environmental activists represents damage to private property
And it’s taller and more crooked than the one in Pisa
Travelling anywhere in the regional public transit networks will cost either 2 or 2.5 euros
Urban dwellers across the EU are having a say in making their surroundings friendlier to people and the environment.
Forests in the EU can help green the European construction industry and bolster a continent-wide push for architectural improvements.
Apply by 10 November and do your part for the transformation of European public spaces
An interview with the Mayor of a Polish city that seeks to reinvent itself
An interview with the newly elected ICLEI President and Mayor of Malmö
A conversation with the Mayor of Lisbon about the spirit and dimensions of innovation present in the Portuguese capital