This is how Amsterdam helps drivers adapt to new 30 km/h limits
The traffic authorities tap into some psychology hacks to train road users for the new reality
La multa è 150 euro
Sono entrati in vigore regolamenti più severi sulla vendita e il consumo di alcolici nella capitale italiana, con avvisi pubblicati in tutta la città in quattro lingue. "Non vogliamo che le serate estive in Roma siano rovinate da episodi legati al consumo eccessivo di alcol", ha detto il sindaco Virginia Raggi in una dichiarazione. Simili bandi sono stati messi in atto negli anni precedenti, tuttavia quest'anno è notevolmente più rigorosi.
In totale 14 dei 15 comuni della città sono interessati. Solo Ottavia è esente, mentre i punti di ritrovo notturni tra cui il centro storico, Monti, Trastevere, Testaccio, Prati e San Lorenzo sono tutti inclusi. Dalle 22:00, è vietato consumare bevande alcoliche in contenitori di vetro su strade pubbliche, mentre da mezzanotte in poi, il divieto si estende a qualsiasi consumo all'aperto di alcol, non importa quale sia il contenitore. Chiunque sia sorpreso a non rispettare il nuovo regolamento potrebbe subire una multa di € 150, mentre per gli imprenditori che vendono alcol dopo il limite di tempo, tale sanzione aumenta a € 280.
The traffic authorities tap into some psychology hacks to train road users for the new reality
Benoît Payan has an idea to reorganize the work of the city administration
A large-scale urban redevelopment project seeks to inject some life into the district by creating, among other things, housing units
Despite the small scale of an SMR, it won’t be cheap to build, and it could become a reality only in the next decade
The same goes for 5G coverage but that complete rate will be achieved already in 2025
The tool builds upon the already available web version of the map
The traffic authorities tap into some psychology hacks to train road users for the new reality
Despite the small scale of an SMR, it won’t be cheap to build, and it could become a reality only in the next decade
Silesia is known as the industrial heart of the country, but its regional government wants to engender a new awareness among the youngest
Bremerhaven is worried about the spreading of infections through this seemingly innocent act of compassion
Silesia is known as the industrial heart of the country, but its regional government wants to engender a new awareness among the youngest
Plus, you might have to book a spot in advance to view the famous attraction
Urban dwellers across the EU are having a say in making their surroundings friendlier to people and the environment.
Forests in the EU can help green the European construction industry and bolster a continent-wide push for architectural improvements.
Apply by 10 November and do your part for the transformation of European public spaces
An interview with the Mayor of a Polish city that seeks to reinvent itself
An interview with the newly elected ICLEI President and Mayor of Malmö
A conversation with the Mayor of Lisbon about the spirit and dimensions of innovation present in the Portuguese capital