
Ljubljana air, Source: Pixabay

Participate in improving the air quality in Ljubljana by playing a mobile game!

Participate in improving the air quality in Ljubljana by playing a mobile game!

ClairCity Skylines is available on IOS and Android and involves many European cities

As part of the “Za lepša Ljubljana” campaign, aimed at improving the quality of life in the city, you will be able to take part in many activities. One of this year’s innovations is the addition of the city to the ClairCity Skylines mobile game. As players you will be able to make decisions on how to improve everyday life in Ljubljana and aim to turn it into the best possible place to live. The game itself has a specific focus on the air quality of the included cities and aims to bring people closer to the decision-making process. By participating you will be taking the role of a decision-maker and will be able to look for and find creative solutions to some of the problems in Ljubljana.

The game features cities from all over Europe. Players will be able to compare the situations in different parts of the continent and the measures undertaken by their local administrations. As the inclusion of Ljubljana in the game is part of a bigger yearly initiative, you will have the opportunity to take part in a discussion about the ClairCity project and about the air-quality in the city. The event will take place in the Town Hall on Thursday, 18 April.

You can find more information here.



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