

Scotland joins in on Europe’s hydrogen rush

Scotland joins in on Europe’s hydrogen rush

A new initiative spearheaded by the Scottish government is meant to accelerate innovation and promote knowledge-sharing in the field of hydrogen

Hydrogen and its development have become one of the main topics of discussion in Europe when it comes to smart and innovative ways of combating climate change. Governments across the continent, as well as EU-level bodies, are all coming together to develop their hydrogen capabilities in order to usher in a new age of sustainable and green energy.

Scotland not falling behind

Scottish authorities have also joined in Europe’s hydrogen mania through a new initiative that aims to help the region develop its hydrogen capabilities and further boost its efforts in providing clean and sustainable mobility and energy solutions.

An investment of £300,000 is being made by the Scottish government for a new hydrogen accelerator that will be located in the University of St. Andrews. By combining the skills and expertise of residents at the university with interested parties from across Scotland, authorities aim to greatly speed up the region’s transition to ultra-clean mobility.

Furthermore, the new accelerator will allow for the relevant experts to find new ways to support governing bodies in their decision-making processes when considering shifts to low-carbon transport and mobility alternatives. Not only that but it will also create the perfect opportunity for the development of new talent and the training of new staff that is perfectly suited for the challenges of tomorrow.

That is why the project is crucial to Scotland’s overall ambitions of achieving carbon-neutrality by 2045 and is even more important to its shorter-term goals – like phasing out the need of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2032.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity Michael Matheson commented “I’m pleased that we can establish a new Hydrogen Accelerator for Scotland at the University of St Andrews. With their renowned specialism in hydrogen technologies and innovation – this is a perfect match at a time when there is really exciting work in the sector taking place across Scotland.”



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