
The Mobile Green Room in action, Source: City of Stuttgart

Stuttgart invites you to chill and enjoy urban gardening

Stuttgart invites you to chill and enjoy urban gardening

The Mobile Green Room, an example of the benefits of greenery

Stuttgart will provide its residents with a compact green room so that they can reconnect with nature and imagine a city with more biodiversity.  

The movable room will be available from 15 June to 13 September 2021, and will be positioned on Bismarkplatz. It aims to promote urban gardening as an official policy. Two information boards explain the municipal funding programs while providing a great example of the benefits of this policy.

The “Urban Gardens” supports the establishments and maintenance of urban community gardens while “The Stuttgart Green Program” promotes roof and facade installations.

Every year 250,000 euros are available for gardening projects

But why urban gardening? For starters, tending to fruit and vegetable gardens is a long-time tradition for the residents of Stuttgart. The Bohnenviertel owes its name to vegetable growing.

The craftsmen that settled the area planted climbing beans between the houses, so they could always have a handy supply. Nowadays, both private individuals and property can apply for funding to keep that custom going.

The Mobile Green Room shows how facades and roofs can be used as gardens and how by sitting there you can feel the cooling effect of the plants. Increasing the availability of green spaces can greatly reduce CO2 emissions while also promoting mental health, and providing a serene escape from the hustle and bustle.

Gardens grow, Communities grow

This is why the municipality aims to keep the barrier to existing and upcoming projects as low as possible. They do this through the Office for Urban Planning and Housing. Here schools, social centres, people, organisations and the city’s administration work together to make their city a better place to live.

So, for the citizens who liked the Green Room and would like to enjoy the pleasant effects of plants in their own lives, or feel the urge to plant a tree – Stuttgart has you covered.

If you want to know more about urban gardening in Stuttgart, follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.



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