
mesto prostejov main, Source: Mesto Prostejov

The city of Prostějov with a Smart development strategy

The city of Prostějov with a Smart development strategy

Read more about the principles behind the new strategy for sustainable development and efficient public management in the Czech city

The City of Prostějov is located in the district of Prostějov, Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic, in the historical region of Moravia. It has a population of 43,859 (Czech Statistical Office, 2017). A centre of the fashion industry with rich historical heritage, it has set the objective of becoming a smart city, whereby ensuring the sustainable development and efficient management of the city of Prostějov. This ambition of local authorities is summarized in dedicated open-access Manual, issued in August 2018, which reflects the comprehensive strategy, sets ambitious goals and oversees long-term challenges before the intelligent urban development.

“Smart cities are modern and cool. Modern technology is a common part of our life. We are making conscientious efforts to implement smart solutions in the context of investing and management of the city. It is important, however, to proceed systematically so that individual solutions do not compete, but work together effectively and sustainably.” – the Manual reads.

The main areas of interest for smart cities in general are:

  • Transport;
  • Environment;
  • Energetics;
  • Information and Communication Technologies (e-government).

According to the methodology of the Ministry for Regional Development, the framework applied consists of 16 structural components that can be grouped into 4 units: organizational (city), community (citizen), infrastructure (technology) and results (intelligent city). The opportunities, challenges and the available solutions are thus presented in the document in detail.

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