
European Youth Capital 2024, Source: European Youth Forum

The clock is ticking, but there is still time to become the European Youth Capital 2024

The clock is ticking, but there is still time to become the European Youth Capital 2024

Cities can enter the contest and show they care about tomorrow’s decision-makers

Ready, Set, Go! This is the best time when cities across Europe can show their youthful spirit and demonstrate that actions speak louder than words when it comes to listening to the youth of today. The European Youth Forum has launched a call for applications for the European Youth Capital 2024 title. It may seem far away yet, but time flies fast. In fact, the application deadline is 17 January 2021 at midnight – so hurry up!

Rotterdam was the first European Youth Capital back in 2009

The initiative in question has only blossomed into being over the past decade, yet in that relatively short time it has amassed a considerable following and prestige across the cultural, political and activist agenda of the Old Continent.

And in case you were still somewhat skeptical about it, here are some numbers that would help you grasp its impact:

  • More than 12 000 volunteers have participated in the activities;
  • More than 9000 events have been organized;
  • Some 70 000 000 euros of investment has been attracted.

So, any local authority from a state, which is a member of the Council of Europe, is eligible and welcome to apply to become part of this vibrant network and be the centre of youth culture for a year.

But this is not about empty words and pandering – it is about making sure that local authorities take young people’s concerns to heart and are ready to do something about it. To that end, there are 3 conditions to be met by the prospective city-applicants:

  • Youth participation in the process of designing the application and projects;
  • Co-decision-making, which means making local young people partners, and not in crime, but in drafting of policies, day to day operations and events organization;
  • Allowing for the European Dimension to shine. This can have various axes, all of which emphasize cooperation, whether it is between European and local authorities or whether it is between young people from different corners of the continent.

Now is the time for your city to earn some credibility with its young residents. It is guaranteed to make for great memories and a better understanding among different generations.



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