

The Hague with a plan to boost vaccination rate

The Hague with a plan to boost vaccination rate

The vaccination rates are far below the minimum threshold set by the World Health Organization

The Municipality of The Hague is the first in the Netherlands to launch a plan to boost its vaccination rate. The Hague, together with the Dutch state, is taking the lead to prevent illnesses such as the measles, as it was announced by the local authorities earlier this week.

The reason behind the launch of the plan is the declining vaccination rate in The Hague. The vaccination rate for 2-year-olds has dropped from 89.4% in 2017 to 87.9% in 2018. This is far below the recommended percentage which is set at 95% by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the needed minimum to achieve population immunity. The Hague also aims to reach a 95% rate for all infants, toddlers and schoolchildren.

Accordingly, the plan is expected to make it easier for residents of the city to get vaccinated by using mobile vaccination teams to target specific community groups. Furthermore, the municipality will launch a so-called ‘Hague Vaccination Alliance’ that will aim to facilitate information sharing on this subject. The municipality will also develop a tool kit for professionals and will start a public information campaign.

This year all young people aged 14 to 18 years will get a free vaccination against meningococcal disease. Furthermore, more than 24,000 teenagers have received an invitation to get vaccinated by the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health) before the summer.



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