These elements will crown the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona for the highest viewpoint in the city
The cross pinnacle on the Tower of Jesus will be ready to receive visitors in 2026 on the centennial of Gaudi’s death
El Gobierno Regional quiere ser proactivo
Ayer la web oficial del Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha informó a la ciudadanía que sus representantes habían firmado un convenio con el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) de España dando las bases para un plan de respuesta a emergencias en el caso de incidentes nucleares y radiológicos. Este convenio, que ya ha sido publicado en el Boletín Oficial de la comunidad autónoma, tendrá una vigencia de cuatro años.
El acuerdo prevé un conjunto bien establecido de acciones que contarán con la cooperación entre las dos instituciones en asuntos relacionados con la preparación, implementación y mantenimiento de la efectividad de los planes de emergencia nuclear. El CSN actuará como órgano consultivo de la Consejería de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas.
El acuerdo interinstitucional tiene varios aspectos, entre los cuales:
Ahora que el acuerdo es una realidad, lo que sigue es el establecimiento de una comisión especializada, integrada por tres miembros de cada partido, que velará por el correcto desarrollo y cumplimiento de los planes de respuesta.
The cross pinnacle on the Tower of Jesus Christ will be ready to receive visitors in 2026 on the centennial of Gaudi’s death
The city officials announced that the start of the works is planned for 2028
The Municipality Kazanlak will put the decision to a local referendum with the argument that Buzludzha would boost its tourism appeal
But operating them is still illegal under the country’s legislation
Literally embracing an ‘old-school’ approach to education
The municipality provides the tool to encourage more sustainable thinking and planning in the field of urban design
The incorporation of the underground network into the logistics sector has in view the reduction of street traffic above
The city officials announced that the start of the works is planned for 2028
Travelling anywhere in the regional public transit networks will cost either 2 or 2.5 euros
The cross pinnacle on the Tower of Jesus Christ will be ready to receive visitors in 2026 on the centennial of Gaudi’s death
On the eve of the new academic year, the ranking considers several distinct but essential factors
The Municipality Kazanlak will put the decision to a local referendum with the argument that Buzludzha would boost its tourism appeal
Urban dwellers across the EU are having a say in making their surroundings friendlier to people and the environment.
Forests in the EU can help green the European construction industry and bolster a continent-wide push for architectural improvements.
Apply by 10 November and do your part for the transformation of European public spaces
An interview with the Mayor of a Polish city that seeks to reinvent itself
An interview with the newly elected ICLEI President and Mayor of Malmö
A conversation with the Mayor of Lisbon about the spirit and dimensions of innovation present in the Portuguese capital