
Walking family

Zaragoza offers safe alternatives for family recreation

Zaragoza offers safe alternatives for family recreation

The city’s annual festivities were cancelled but the fun can be had in other ways

Last month, authorities in the Aragonese capital of Zaragoza took the decision to cancel the celebrations surrounding the traditional annual Fiestas del Pilar, which honour the city’s patron saint la Virgen del Pilar for a full week each October. As is expected this was done in order to conform with national preventative regulations against the spread of Covid-19.

The cancellation also affected the planned activities at the ‘Rio y Juego’ (River and Game) area – specially designated as a space where children can engage in fun and educational activities. Not to be deterred by the setback, city authorities informed the public yesterday that there is now an alternative leisure activity on offer for the families which respects the sanitary rules.

This involves the creation of 24 walking routes through Zaragoza, each of which has 15 surprising games that can be accessed through a QR code.

“Un paseo de juegos” (A stroll with games) is the name of the initiative

The activity, which was designed in cooperation with the theatre company Promotora de Acción Infantil (PAI), is especially recommended to families with kids. They can download a map on their phones and follow one of the routes, stopping at each of the indicated points and complete the instructions in order to finish the game.

"The games are fun, varied, for the whole family, they avoid physical contact, stimulate curiosity about different parts of the neighbourhood and, at the same time they allow [participants] to get to know them by walking around, and enjoy them sensibly and creatively," said Sara Fernández, Vice Mayor of Zaragoza and Councillor of Culture.

Sun-shaped and weather-resistant support columns carrying the QR codes have been installed in all the 24 participating districts allowing good visibility. As for the games themselves, the municipal website assures that the activities were designed in a way that will not contravene sanitary requirements, meaning that they will not involve gatherings of large groups or the touching of materials.



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