
Prostitution ads removal, Source: Ayuntamiento de Madrid

A district in Madrid goes on a crusade against prostitution advertising

A district in Madrid goes on a crusade against prostitution advertising

Actions, not just words, on the International Day against gender-based violence

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Surely, many words will be said and written about the importance of continuously fighting this social evil. And while raising non-stop awareness is indeed necessary, the authorities and neighbourhood associations in one of Madrid’s eastern districts, Ciudad Lineal, have decided to take a small but concrete step in putting a dent in practices that foster such violence.

Yesterday, 24 November, a campaign for the removal of small flyers and brochures advertising prostitution was launched there. The argument being that these ads create the reactionary image of women as merchandise and objects that can be bought.

Since 1999, this day has been marked as an official UN commemoration

Workers from the District Collaboration Unit are criss-crossing the streets of various neighbourhoods in the areas – namely Quintana, Ventas, Pueblo Nuevo and San Pascual, and literally taking the matter in their hands by removing flyers, cards and brochures which advertise sexual services.

It was reported that in the first four hours of the activity some 1238 advertising materials were removed from the streets and vehicles. The good news is that this will not be just some PR action to mark the day but the initiative will continue until July next year.

The local residential associations and the non-profit platform “No Acepto” (“I don’t accept”) have been increasingly vocal about the proliferation of this kind of advertising on their streets. The Municipal Board of Ciudad Lineal has heard their concerns agreeing that this practice sends the wrong message about treatment of women to the children who walk daily on the same streets.

It is about the degradation of the woman represented in this advertisement. Thousands and thousands of these cards invade our streets, litter our gardens and our vehicles. It goes against what we are looking for in our district,” said Ángel Niño, the District Councillor.

The District Collaboration Units are composed of people from vulnerable groups who get the opportunity not only to gain employment but also to add value to their local communities. Other activities they are involved in are the cleaning and renovation of public spaces, school entrances and senior homes gardens.



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