
Kids gathered around the video phone at the Royal Post Office in question, Source: Comunidad de Madrid

Kids in Madrid can use the citizens’ hotline to state their Epiphany gift wishes

Kids in Madrid can use the citizens’ hotline to state their Epiphany gift wishes

A page at the service of the Three Wise Men will attend them

The Day of Epiphany (6 January) is a big deal in Spain because traditionally this is the day when kids, naughty or nice, get their gifts not from one but from three bearded men. These are the Reyes Magos (literally the Wizard Kings) as the biblical Three Wise Men, who were the first to honour the birth of Jesus with gifts, are known in the Iberian country.

In light of the exciting preparations for the day, which will feature the traditional cavalcade where the Reyes Magos hand out tons of candy to the crowds on the streets, the Region of Madrid citizens’ hotline service 012 has prepared a special surprise for the youngest ones.

Every day since 2 January and until 5 January (till 6 pm) kids in Madrid are able to head out with their parents to the Royal Post Office at Plaza de Pontejos and make a video call to a royal page in the service of the Three Wise Men. Speaking to her, they can not only make a wish regarding a present but also learn that there is a line at their service that they can call. Learning citizenship skills at a young age.

Plus, there will be a

Forest of Wishes in the Real Casa de Postas

There, Madrid residents can leave notes containing their messages and dreams for the new year on specially arranged artificial fir trees.

The Forest of Wishes will remain open on 2, 3, 4 and 7 January from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., on the 5 January from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on the 6 January from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.



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