
Lille design

Lille restarts its World Design Capital 2020 programme today

Lille restarts its World Design Capital 2020 programme today

The events were temporarily paused due to the coronavirus pandemic

Today 9 September, in Lille Métropole the World Design Capital 2020 programme resumes with all the planned big events. The label intended to promote and encourage the culture of design in the society is associated with many events, mobilizing creativity for the benefit of more sustainable and solidary behaviour. The programme was interrupted for months during the emergency caused by COVID-19 but now the situation allows it to unfold in full swing while observing all sanitary requirements.

All big events of Design Capital 2020 are back

The postponing of the events was a huge shock, but it might have had a positive upshot, was the opinion of the organisers. According to Denis Tersen, general manager of the organizing committee, the additional time allowed to enrich the events with new content.

From the start, Lille Métropole 2020 was designed around solutions to imagine and live a desirable future. With the epidemic, a new world is taking shape. Our experiments through design must, more than ever, anticipate this world to be reinvented. The POC Houses [POC - proof-of-concept] and the exhibitions include proposals in this direction. We have also added the question of mobility to the program, by creating a special workshop on the Arts et Métiers campus,” he said, as quoted on the Lille Métropole website.

The full programme is available on the Design Capital website with the exhibition spaces opening today, 9 September. Among the things to look forward to, are the so-called Maisons POC, four grand exhibitions and the Design Week Forum.

The organisers invite us to reflect on the new ways to live and produce, in the context of energy, climate and health crises, as well as on the role of fiction in the work of designers and to discover the diversity of French design.

Lille Métropole 2020, the World Design Capital suspended public events planned as part of its programming on 16 March due to the corona crisis. Ever since, the activities of the organisers have been focused on the digital ways of giving voice to designers.



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