
Child cycles on a road

Lower Saxony promotes road user safety

Lower Saxony promotes road user safety

A campaign under the motto “Cyclists in view”

The German northwest state of Lower Saxony is taking part in a cross-border traffic safety campaign called Sicherheits.mobil.leben (Safe.Mobile.Life). After the campaign was unable to take place last year due to increased police use in the aftermath of the corona pandemic, the motto this year is "Cyclists in view".

Starting on 5 May 2021, the campaign will run until late in the evening to allow higher participation. The police will encourage more consideration and understanding for and towards two-wheelers on the road.

To promote mutual consideration to all road users

Lower Saxony's Minister of the Interior and Sport, Boris Pistorius, said: “The street scene has changed significantly in recent years, precisely because of the ever-improving and steadily growing number of bicycles. On the day of action, we want to promote mutual consideration and sensitise all road users to the fact that more and more elderly people are moving on significantly faster bikes in road traffic. This mutual understanding is important in order to be able to correctly assess corresponding traffic situations, as cyclists, drivers and pedestrians."

The police, in collaboration with road safety partners, will also highlight the dangers of cycling across the country before and after the day of action. The controls are centred on school routes, pedestrian zones, bike lanes, and accident black spots.

The officers pay close attention to behaviour that is particularly dangerous for accidents, such as the correct lateral distance when overtaking, distraction, the technical condition of the bicycles and the influence of alcohol. The illegal use of streets and pedestrian areas or the parking of vehicles on protective lanes are also in focus as traffic hazards.

This year the aim of the campaign is placed on cycling in order to improve road safety in the area. Cyclists continue to be exposed to higher risks when they move from one point to another. Unlike drivers, they don’t have protection around their body, which is why traffic accidents involving bikes lead to more serious injuries.



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