
Marisa Gómez, who leads the education department at the City of Seville, Source: Ayuntamiento de Sevilla

Seville goes on a quest against school absenteeism

Seville goes on a quest against school absenteeism

The actions will focus on areas that are in need of social transformation

The Seville City Council, through its Education Delegation, has approved the bases of a new program to reduce absenteeism and school failure in areas thought to be in need of social transformation. In total, 50,000 euros will be allocated to develop four projects in coordination with universities and entities that work in the educational field, The initiatives will be carried out in Torreblanca, El Cerezo, Polígono Norte, Tres Barrios Amate, Polígono Sur and La Plata-Padre Pío-Palmete. 

The plan is to also tackle dropping out of school and lack of motivation

The program is based on a public call for the partnering entities to present projects aimed at achieving greater school success, attention to diversity, preventing absenteeism and premature school abandonment. These should be actions that favour the development of emotional competencies, social skills and motivation, and also promote values ​​such as respect, equality, solidarity and cooperative work. 

From the City Council we carry out, within our powers, a permanent job to reduce the figures of school absenteeism. The consequences of the health crisis led us to reinforce this line of action with new programs that are based mainly on networking and collaboration with the educational community and the civic sector. That is the objective of this new call, which we want to progressively consolidate and reinforce,” affirmed the Seville Delegate for Education, Marisa Gómez. 

The call has a budget of 50,000 euros, which will support four projects in areas in need of social transformation. For the selection of these initiatives, their scope, the number of areas covered, the duration, the professional experience, the type of activities or the collaboration with other entities that are considered in the design will be evaluated. 

Seville has a strategy and a municipal plan against truancy that has been developing in recent years. These programs, within the scope of municipal responsibility, are complementary to the actions that must be carried out by the Andalusian Ministry of Education, which has the main competencies in this matter. The work is coordinated in joint and regularly held table meetings between administrations.

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