
Blue economy call, Source: Pixabay

The Blue economy call is now open

The Blue economy call is now open

The deadline of the current call is 31st January 2019, under the topics Blue Labs, Blue careers, Blue economy

A new EU-funded call is open with a deadline of January the 31st. The Blue economy call aims to:

  • Help innovative technologies and/or maritime services improve their market readiness and advance towards market entry, allowing economic players, in particular SMEs, to apply new ideas and research results in marketable goods and services;
  • Facilitate scaling up business models and service concepts;
  • De-risk the deployment of these demonstration projects and provide the necessary credibility for these projects to enable them to access other financing for the development of their activities.

The call is open to legal persons; persons belonging to one of the following categories: private entities, public entities, or international organisations; established in a EU members state. It is open in three topics:

The Blue Labs aim at promoting innovative "laboratories" to pilot new and economically viable solutions addressing selected maritime and marine challenges and opportunities. The focus of this action is to support young scientists supported by experienced researchers, industry and local stakeholders, to team up and develop innovative technologies, products and services in support of a sustainable blue economy, preserving marine resources and ecosystems.

The Blue Careers promote innovative approaches to strengthen the cooperation between industry and education in order to bridge the gap between skills' offer and demand.

The Blue Economy aims to support demonstration projects based on innovative technologies testing/deploying/scaling-up of new industrial or service applications and solutions for the blue economy.

Find out more about the eligibility criteria at



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