
Fuengirola Car Free Day, Source: Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola

Tomorrow, ride the bus for free in Fuengirola

Tomorrow, ride the bus for free in Fuengirola

An apt way to mark the World Car-Free Day

Fuengirola continues celebrating the European Mobility Week, which started on 16 September. Tomorrow, to commemorate the World Car-Free Day, the Councillor of Mobility in the coastal Andalusian city, Isabel González is inviting residents to leave the cars parked and take the bus instead and give the environment a pause from pollution. Those who opt for the public transit, however, are also reminded to put a mask on due to the continuing importance of protective measures.

Car-Free Days officially started in European cities back in the mid-1990s

22 September is also the last day of the European Mobility Week and what better way to see it off by exploring various alternative modes of transportation that will lessen the traffic congestion on the streets. Naturally, residents are also encouraged to ride bicycles or simply walk to wherever they need to get to.

“Fuengirola has joined the European Mobility Week to promote the use of bicycles and any vehicle or means of transport that facilitates the reduction of environmental pollution,” said Councillor González, adding that “within this initiative tomorrow is also the Car-Free Day and for this reason, the urban bus will be free throughout the day to encourage Fuengiroleños to leave their car at home and encourage the use of public transport as well as individual means of transport such as bicycles or scooters”.

In view of the European Mobility Week, bicycle rental companies in the cities have been offering extensive discounts to those who wished to rent a bike or a scooter.

There is more on offer for the residents conscious of the importance of sustainable mobility. “Within the Mobility Week, today a talk on road safety will be held at the House of Culture given by the Local Police and the South MTB Club where guidelines and tips are offered to learn to circulate safely through the city whether it is on a bike, a scooter or any personal mobility vehicle,” explained Mrs Isabel González.



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