
Dan Bobouţanu, Source: Hunedoara Municipality

We want to ensure a decent living standard, and give priority to education, medical services and infrastructure

We want to ensure a decent living standard, and give priority to education, medical services and infrastructure

“Hunedoara is the place where the past blends harmoniously with the present, where history and traditions meet in sublime illustration.”

Dan Bobouţanu was born on July 15, 1965 in Hunedoara. He graduated from the Faculty of Public Relations and Journalism in Sibiu and the Law School in Arad. He has been a PSD member since 2004 and president of the PSD organization Hunedoara since 2008. Bobouţanu was a city councilor from 2008 to 2012 and deputy mayor 2012-2016. Dan Bobouţanu is mayor of Hunedoara since 2017. 

How would you describe Hunedoara briefly? What do you want our audience to know about it?   Hunedoara is the place where the past blends harmoniously with the present, where history and traditions meet in sublime illustration. Wonderful people who give charm to the place await you here and encourage you to visit the beauty of the areas. Corvins’ Castle is the starting point for a visit to the city on the Cerna River. Century-old churches, historic monuments of great value, the only zoo in the county and the superb panorama unfolding before your eyes from Sânpetru Hill are some of the special ingredients that will make you stay here as much as possible.

The city owns an invaluable treasure, one of the most impressive monuments of medieval art – the Hunyadi Castle. How do you preserve and promote it? 

Several events take place throughout the year at the Corvins’ Castle. These events have the role of promoting the historical monument. One of these is The European Castles Fair, which takes place here every year, in May, and has as guests representatives of castles and fortresses across the entire Europe. Another special event taking place at the castle is The Night of Museums – on this night the castle is being visited by over ten thousand people. More than 300.000 tourists visit The Corvins’ Castle every year. (333.334 tourists in 2017).

The Hunedoara City Hall is among the most active in Romania in receiving European funding. Tell about the most important EU supported projects.

The City Hall of Hunedoara submitted last year 21 projects at the Western Regional Development Agency. So far, five financing contracts have already been signed. The total amount of projects submitted on European funds is over 67 million euros. Among the most important projects on European funds we mention: The Restoration and Sustainable Valorisation of Cultural Heritage Corvins’ Castle, The Revitalization of the Historic Center of Hunedoara, Energy Efficiency of The Municipal Hospital “Dr. Alexandru Simionescu Hunedoara”, The Rehabilitation of Public Buildings in the municipality of Hunedoara for increasing Energy Efficiency.

And which are the main goals and good examples you plan to develop for the near future?

The main objectives we intend to develop in the near future are: Modernizing public transport and lighting, investing in environmentally friendly transport and lighting, and rehabilitating residential buildings of Hunedoara municipality, the Rehabilitation/modernization/ endowment of educational units. We want to ensure a decent living standard, and give priority to education, medical services and infrastructure.

What technological processes do you implement in the municipality services?

The main economic activities that carry out technological processes in Hunedoara are in the industry of electrical wiring and steel industry.

What do you think about a unified platform for European municipalities and its main goal to make and keep European citizens better informed about what is taking place in the European Union? How the portal can be useful to Hunedoara?

Such a platform is useful from my point of view, as it ensures better communication between the local authorities within the European Union. It has also an important role to play in promoting municipal projects; every businessman or tourist can find here information about cities all over Europe.

Find out more about Hunedoara here



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